Can't start Tiled

I installed tiled-2015-10-12-win64-setup.exe on my windows 7 computer, but when I try to run it
it gives the error “The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)”.

Does Anyone know thow to fix this?

Did you try any other versions? For example the 32-bit version or the latest Tiled 0.14.2 release?

Is your Windows installation 64-bit?

I have a 64-bit system.
The 32 bit version does work, but my antivirus (comodo) complains there is a virus in it which is why I tried the 64 bit.
I have tried older version and they all give the same: 32 bit works but antivirus complains about it, 64 bit gives the error.

The virus comodo found is supposedly malcrypt.indus105441913 in tmxviewer.exe. However on the qt forum they mentioned the same virus and they mentioned it could be a false positive.
Is this something i can ignore or do others get the same result?

That there would be a virus in the tmxviewer.exe is very unlikely since the installers are built in a controlled environment (on AppVeyor’s virtual machine). So you can ignore it and it could help others to report it as suspected false positive here: Comodo Antivirus Database | Submit Files for Malware Analysis

If you want to double-check you can upload the file here to have it checked by many anti-virus software: VirusTotal

Unfortunately the error is very generic, so I have at the moment no idea what may be causing this problem. For me and others the 64-bit version has worked fine.

I had the same issue with a fresh install of windows 10(it had worked before reinstalling). I fixed it by installing Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013.
Maybe you should add a link to that in your downloads page since it seems to be a dependency.

Hmm, thanks for the hint! I’ve actually tried to avoid this by shipping the needed DLLs with Tiled, but I’ll need to re-check these dependencies.

@aqzqzd, could you try installing the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 as well to check if it solves your problems?

This issue still occurs on 0.16.2 but is solved by downloading Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013

Thanks for letting me know, @tatlock29. I think I’ll have to try following these instructions to get the right files included in the installer:

@tatlock29 I’ve tried to follow those instructions and made a change to the installer. Would you like to help test this change? I can’t do it myself because on my system Tiled runs fine even after deinstalling the redistributable (probably some other application shipped it).

Please try the following:

@noidexe Maybe you would also like to perform the above steps, to see if it worked?

Edit: Never mind, it doesn’t work. :frowning: Will have to mess around with this some more…

Yeah, just had a chance to try it. Now it says MSVCP120.dll is missing.