Change DefaultShader in Tiled2Unity

Hi, I just started using Tiled2Unity. First, it is a wonderful product, and I’m appreciative of the creator for making it and supporting it.

Whenever I export a map to Unity it gives everything on the map the default shader from Tiled2Unity. I manually change it to the Diffuse shader that Tiled2Unity included so that I can use lighting. I have a lot of things on my map and every time that I edit my map and export it again, everything resets to the default Tiled2Unity shader. How can I edit the settings so that all of my items have the Tiled2Unity diffuse shader (by default) instead of the Tiled2Unity “default” shader.

Also, if that’s possible, can I make it so that different items have different shaders by default?

I went through the files and tried manipulating some stuff but messed up and had to reinstall it. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

My apologies for not getting back sooner. This is the kind of thing that Custom Importers were designed for – so you can write code that changes modifies a Tiled2Unity-created prefab that you would otherwise do by hand.

For changing the shader/material via a custom importer I would add something like the following to an editor script …

class MyCustomImporter : Tiled2Unity.ICustomTiledImporter
	public void HandleCustomProperties(GameObject gameObject, IDictionary<string, string> props)
		// Do nothing

	public void CustomizePrefab(GameObject prefab)
		// Go through every rederer in the prefab and assign its shader to something else
		foreach (var renderer in prefab.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>(())
			var material = renderer.sharedMaterial; // Might have to be renderer.Material instead?
			material.shader = Shader.Find("Sprite/Diffuse");

This worked. Thank you Sean!