Feedback after a couple months with Tiled

It’s amazing that you could do such a thing and great to hear that you’ve enjoyed using Tiled in the process!

I think it’s better this way too. I can’t reply to everything at once, so I’ll go category by category. Thanks a lot for providing all this detailed feedback! And good timing too, now that many student are looking to submit their first patch as part of applying to the Google Summer of Code. :slight_smile:

Map canvas

Opened Consider zooming with mouse wheel by default · Issue #1472 · mapeditor/tiled · GitHub

Hmm, I never noticed this myself and it’s the first time I head about it. Any specific way to reproduce it?

Sounds like an issue limited to KDE indeed, but would be interesting if we can find a workaround for this.

Not sure, but I based the shortcuts on GIMP which uses R for Rectangular Select and M for the Move Tool. I guess this would be something for configurable shortcuts.

I agree it probably doesn’t hurt to have both, so consider it done.

Right, sometimes this is what you want, sometimes it isn’t. If any empty tile in the brush would erase what is already there, then it would be annoying to work with any non-rectangular brush that is meant to only modify the part it is placing. I’m not sure how Asesprite works here, but in GIMP a textured brush works the same way.

Maybe this should be a toggle once a tool-specific toolbar UI is introduced.

The terrain tool is different in the sense that it never has empty parts in its stamp. It either places some terrain, or it places no terrain (erases).

It’s actually since recently a rectangular erase. Of course, that doesn’t help clear up confusion between doing rectangular erase and capturing a stamp. Not sure what to do here.

Yeah, I agree it should. It’s covered by issue #790.

I’ve opened an issue about this: Smarter behavior when selecting multiple tiles from the tileset · Issue #1474 · mapeditor/tiled · GitHub

Yeah, it’s definitely a weak point for Tiled. There’s an issue open about adding a Move Selection feature.

You can flip by capturing (or cutting) the tiles, pressing Y or X to flip in either direction, and then painting the section again. What people often run into though, is that this also flips the tile graphics. So a way of flipping without affecting graphics would be needed.

Yeah, there’s a TODO entry about this in the code… I’ve turned it into a bug report.

Ctrl+Shift+A does clear an object selection. Whether it clears the tile selection or the object selection depends on whether you have a tile layer or object layer selected. I can’t reproduce the behavior you described.

Indeed Tiled doesn’t have floating selection, but for this use-case “Paste in Place” was added (for objects in Tiled 0.17, for tiles in Tiled 0.18).

That’s indeed because there is an “unsaved” undo entry. It’s not really an issue, is it? Would be some work to change, since we could no longer rely on QUndoStack::isClean.

Yeah, I also noticed this, and now it’s fixed. :slight_smile:

I find this also very annoying. Unfortunately the tool manager at the moment doesn’t know why some tool may choose to disable itself or not, and it only takes action when the current tool becomes disabled. I could try to find some way to make it switch to the last active tool for each layer type, or maybe it should not switch tools at all and the tool should just refuse to work. What do you think?

A solution I’ve seen in some projects is to not just erase the tile, but to replace it with a noticeable dummy graphic. As for Tiled, it could probably provide some kind of “erase empty tiles” feature somewhere.

Right, only a change in the selection causes the stamp to be updated. Now it happens on mouse click as well.

Hmm, this happens until Tiled 0.18 when the selected tileset is not the first one, because switching back to the map also switched back to that tileset, which then sets that tile at the current object. The problem is gone in the development snapshots, because you can no longer change tileset, tile or terrain properties directly from the map editor (you need to switch to the tileset editor for that).

If you get a chance to try out the development snapshots, I’d really welcome feedback about the changes there as well!