How do you reset all settings? (especially for panel/window positions)

How do you reset all settings? (especially for panel/window positions)

Thanks in advance for passionate responses m( _ _ )m

On Linux:

rm ~/.config/

On Windows, use the RegEdit to delete:


On macOS it’s similar to the Linux way, but I can’t remember the path now.

Awesome :slight_smile: Now I know how to reset Tiled Map Editor in Ubuntu 18.04 :slight_smile: seen that it is not so easy to re-install it as in Windows … Now Linux is even more cool … now that i can use Tiled in Linux :slight_smile: Thanks for this post on how to reset Tiled :slight_smile:

In the meantime if you just want to reset panel/window positions you can select View > Views and Toolbars > Reset to Default Layout. :slight_smile: