Where are the example tilesets?

Sorry, this is is a really basic question, but I couldn’t find an answer to it. The ‘Getting Started’ section of the help file tells me to open an example tileset but doesn’t tell me where these are stored. Where can I find these on Mac? The zip file only contains the application itself, and I do not see any files related to Tiled in either my Library or Documents folders, or even in the package contents of the app.

I couldn’t find it in the package contents of the app too. However, you could find the example directory in the source code repo.

Hope this is helpful.

Ah, the macOS distribution used to be a .dmg file which included the Tiled.app as well as the examples folder. But to simplify things the distribution is now just a zipped up Tiled.app.

Maybe the examples should be placed inside of the Tiled.app? Or it should be made a separate download? Or the documentation could link to the examples on GitHub?

You can find the examples here: C:\Program Files\Tiled\examples (Windows)