November 2016 development updates

Week 46 (continued)

Tiled Friday

I got sick so I couldn’t be very productive. I tried to code a little bit anyway and I managed to:

  • Switch from QGLWidget to QOpenGLWidget (3fb30ab). I did this mainly because QGLWidget is broken on HiDpi screens, but it also avoids a dependency on QtOpenGL.
  • Fixed editing type and name for multiple objects (e49c2de).
  • Fixed ability to change the source image of a tile (fde4544).

Week 47

This week there was no Tiled Monday because I was visiting my mother in law with my family (while being sick). It is why there were three Tiled development days in week 44.

Tiled Friday

I worked this whole day on restoring the broken links widget. It is a nasty beast to work on, though it is an important bit of functionality for those running into it. I didn’t manage to finish it just yet.

Week 48

Tiled Monday

In the morning I released Tiled 0.17.2, bringing some bugfixes (most importantly avoiding a crash on macOS). I also merged two pull requests:

  • Support for Tileset margin and spacing for GameMaker plugin (#1400)
  • Up/down buttons in objects dock + pixel coordinates for objects in status bar (#1384)

After merging the second pull request and making some improvements, I realized I needed to reverse the order of the objects in the Objects view for those actions to really make sense (regarding rendering order when using “manual” object ordering). So I spent the rest of the day implementing this, but at the end I wasn’t happy with the implementation. I realized I could potentially do it in a nicer way by creating a reversing data model proxy, and I made a start on that as well but couldn’t finish it anymore.


Overall, I’ve made a great deal of progress on the wip/tilesetdocument branch this month, and I’m confident I’ll get to the point of merging it into master in December. At the same time, I’m considering to branch off a Tiled 0.18 release from master just before merging it, because I’d like to allow for a long testing and feedback period once wip/tilesetdocument is merged.

Merging that branch will be such a milestone for me, and I look forward to no longer having it around and focusing once more on adding all kinds of nice features to Tiled!