I’m trying to parse an object layer of image based tiles for use in my 2d side scroller game using libgdx. I have already been able to parse in rectangle map objects just fine using the following code:
ascendingPlatforms= Array<AscendingPlatforms>()
for (object in map.layers.get("ascendingPlatformLayer").objects.getByType(RectangleMapObject::class.java)) {
val rect = (object as RectangleMapObject).rectangle
wheelPlatforms.add(WheelPlatforms(screen, rect.x / 100, rect.y / 100))
However, when I try to perform a similar action to parse in tile map objects, I receive the following error:
“Exception in thread “LWJGL Application” java.lang.IllegalStateException: map.layers.get(“foregroundLayer”) must not be null.”
Here is the code i used to try to accomplish the tile map object layer parsing:
foregroundImages = Array<ForegroundEnvironment>()
for(object in map.layers.get("foregroundLayer").objects.getByType(TiledMapTileMapObject::class.java)) {
val foreground = (object as TiledMapTileMapObject).tile
foregroundImages.add(ForegroundEnvironment(screen, 1f, 1f))
There are 10 tile objects in the layer I am trying to parse in and yet it cannot see them. How can i parse image based tile map objects as opposed to rectangle map objects, circle map objects, etc.?