Locating the tile sets?

Hi, I’m new to Tiled and I’m really excited to get started. I’m learning a little at a time as I go but there are still a few functions and what not that I’m unsure of. The main thing I’m concerned with are the tilesets. I’ve tried locating a tileset that I might like but half of them are unusable and none of them really look like ones I’m looking for. I’m starting a D&D campaign so basically I’m looking for a world map style, dungeon, cave, and city/town. Should the download already come with some of these things that I’m looking for or is there extras that I can download?

Tiled currently only ships with some small examples, since generally people use either their own graphics, or find some online either for free or buying them. OpenGameArt.org provides a wide variety of free tile sets and you can also find tilesets at https://itch.io/game-assets.

In general, shipping graphics would bloat Tiled for everybody who does not use them. But if you find or create a nice set for D&D worlds it would definitely be interesting to feature a link to it somewhere.