Can't load map on Phaser3 after adding tile properties

I hv this Victorian map here that was working

After I re-saved it , I got this errors from Phaser :-

Screenshot 2021-10-11 at 11.20.23 AM

Here are the two JSON (
working js/victorian.json at gh-pages · stanleyseow/js · GitHub
not working js/victorian-preview.json at gh-pages · stanleyseow/js · GitHub

Anyone have any idea what was wrong ?


In the “not working” version, there are two custom properties added, and they’re saved in the new JSON format that became the default in Tiled 1.2. Mostly likely your version of Phaser does not support this format.

If the latest version of Phaser does support this format, I’d recommend upgrading. If not, I’d recommend making sure they have an issue open about this.

To avoid the issue, you can save to the old JSON format. To do this, go into Preferences > Plugins and disable the “json” plugin while enabling the “json1” plugin. Both plugins support either format when loading maps, but the “json1” plugin will use the JSON format of Tiled 1.1 when saving / exporting.