Cant place tiles

Hello i just started using this tool but when i make another layer i cant place tiles or anything else when i go back to first layer its the same how can i fix it ? my laptop is windows 7 and 64 bit but i only found 32bit tiled to download

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There are many things that could cause this. In what way can you not place tiles? Does a red preview show up, or do you get a valid preview but nothing happens when you click? Do you get no preview at all? What tool are you using to try to place tiles?
A screenshot of your entire Tiled window could help.

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like that it gives nothing the center gets darker and i cant use it anymore

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Although you’ve only shown a portion of the window rather than the whole thing as I asked, I can see that you’re on an Object Layer, and the tool you have selected is the Select Objects Tool. To paint tiles, you need to be on a Tile Layer, and use one of the tile-painting tools.

I don’t know what you mean by “the center gets darker”, but perhaps you have Highlight Current Layer enabled (toggled with h by default)?

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there is full screen it sometimes work and sometimes not first pic that i send secound layer worked fine and i placed some trees but i closed tiled with out saving then started new i cant place them this time even first layer stoped

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Even if i delet secound layer first layer wont work

Could you please show the Layers Panel (View > Views and Toolbars > Layers)? Perhaps the layer is locked.

By the way, you don’t need to take a photo of your screen. Your PC has a print screen button or key combination you can press to take a screenshot you can then paste into your post.

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this one is more clear as you can see it i cant change tile and in bottom left it give zero for tiles and empty when i delet the tile when i try place new tiles it wont place them

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its not

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You may want to dock that so you can access it more easily. You should be able to drag it into the Tileset panel to turn it into a tab there, for example.

In your previous screenshot, you’re trying to paint with the green grass tile onto a layer that is already all green grass, and it looks like Tiled is letting you. Perhaps you can’t see the changes because you’re painting the same tile? Or perhaps the filled green is in the layer above, so you can’t see what you’re painting beneath.

in bottom left it give zero for tiles

What does this mean?

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No its not green but sand that i place and not working it changes to grass when i go there

as for bottom left i mean this

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The 0 means you are hovering over Tile ID 0, the first tile in your tileset.

Make sure you’re not painting on a layer under your grass, and that you actually have sand in your brush (what does the preview show?) For example, hide the other layers by clicking the eye icon on them. You can unhide them later.

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Look at this one

its first layer and other layers are empty

I was asking what your preview shows. it appears to either be empty or show the grass tile, and I can’t tell in this screenshot. Would you mind hiding this green layer and working on an empty layer instead?

Also, just to be safe: Make sure you don’t have an active selection currently. Maybe you have a tile selected off-screen, and that’s preventing you from painting. When you have a selection on the map, you can only paint inside that selection. Edit > Select None.

Edit: I think I found the problem. Disable the Terrain Mode on your brush tool! You’re trying to paint with Terrains instead of tiles.

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thank you it was the problem i was busy for 2 days searching for answer thank you

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