Editing Tilesets

I’m new to making, and editing tilesheets. Recently I added a few tiles to my existing tilesheet and I encountered a problem, when I opened Tiled my map was a jumbled mess.

I did two things, changed the size of the tilesheet image (Which I’m pretty sure is the problem here.), and added 6 new tiles.

My question is: ‘Is it possible to change the image size of a tilesheet without messing up your map?’

If not, what is a good solution to this? Will I have to have multiple tilesheets in one project if I want more tiles than I have and can fit into the size I set for the original image file?

Tiled is supposed to auto-adjust the map when the image size is changed, but this feature is not receiving much testing. I need to make sure it actually works and try to set up some tests for it.

If possible, please provide detailed information about the steps you followed that caused the map to get messed up. Also, was the tileset internal or external to the map? And did you close Tiled in between? Or just the map? Or did you leave it open and relied on its reloading of tilesets feature?

And of course, which version of Tiled are you using?

Ya Tiled tried to auto-adjust the map it fixed a few tiles, but it was still a complete jumbled mess. I ended up having to restart my map as I didnt save a version of the previous image like a numbskull.

please provide detailed information about the steps you followed that caused the map to get messed up.

The only thing I did was make the size of the image larger in my Pixel Editing program (PyxelEdit if it makes any difference.). I also added a few tiles, but in terms of the image I didn’t move any of the original tiles I was using.

Also, was the tileset internal or external to the map?

Not sure what this means exactly, but I imported the tileset from a PNG image.

And did you close Tiled in between? Or just the map?

Yes. I closed the entire program out between updating the tileset.

Or did you leave it open and relied on its reloading of tilesets feature?

This works when I add tiles to an image without changing its size, but if I make the image larger like in this case, it doesn’t work for me until I close out the program or re-import the image, but if I re-import the larger image when I was using the smaller image before, it jumbles the map.

And of course, which version of Tiled are you using?
