I started working two days/week on Tiled in July 2016, which
enabled reaching the huge Tiled 1.0 milestone one year ago. Then,
after mentoring three awesome students in the GSoC 2017 and
polishing up their work, we made another big release with Tiled
1.1. Each release was followed up by many patch releases. Now,
I’m working on finishing Tiled 1.2, which will bring several great
productivity improvements and I’m already eager to continue the
Roadmap to Tiled 1.3.
I’ve posted updates on reaching the funding goal on Patreon:
After 4 days:
And after a 13 days, with the first goal reached!
I’m still some way off reaching the goal where I can also afford my small office room, but I’m considering to give it another month while I focus on getting Tiled 1.2 out.
Thanks to everybody who chipped in to support further Tiled development!