How do I get Tiled Collision Editor on macbook?

I have been looking for the Collision Editor but I could not find it. I have been doing research by looking to the past topics, but I could not find what I have been looking for. I am using a MacBook so maybe that has something to do with it? Please Help

When in the tileset editor view (i.e. when a tileset is your active document), this button with the blue shapes should be in the toolbar:

Is it missing?

Its missing

Is it just that button that is missing, or the whole toolbar? If you can’t see the entire toolbar, re-enable it in View > Views and Toolbars > Tileset.

If it’s just the button that’s missing, what version of Tiled are you using?

Edit: Make sure you’re viewing your tileset and not a map. The tileset toolbar won’t be there if you’re looking at a map. If you’re looking at your tileset in the tileset panel in the Map Editor, click the “Edit Tileset” wrench button to view the tileset itself.

this is a screenshot of it

I have redownloaded Tiled and made sure to get the version that was released the 11th

You are looking at your map, when you can only edit the collisions in the tileset. As I wrote before:

Make sure you’re viewing your tileset and not a map. The tileset toolbar won’t be there if you’re looking at a map. If you’re looking at your tileset in the tileset panel in the Map Editor, click the “Edit Tileset” wrench button to view the tileset itself.

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I found it. Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate it