So... Create Events

Everything is fine! No doubt! There is an offer! Create event objects in addition to objects. Events! In which there will be an opportunity to use tiles and texts. I use Google translator, so it may all be clumsy. But the meaning is an event using graphics from the same tiles …

Let it be the EVENT tab. Let him use the game engine as needed. But this distinguishes the layer. And, I think it will be good …

As a result, in addition to objects, we will get a layer of events that will be used in the gameplay quite self-explanatory, especially since it will be possible to specify the event name, sprite and text tracking …

Technically this is also an object. But an object with two required parameters: a unique name and an image from the tile. This distinguishes it from objects. Next - the taste of the programmer …

It ties the map, images and messages, which is actually good. BUT - NOT NECESSARILY!
In fact, I felt that the project was stalling and silent. How else to give him development, except how to ask? :slight_smile:
On the other hand, you say that you’re bored with the type, I’ll understand. Yes, I think, and others …

It’s definitely hard to understand exactly what you’re getting at.

My first impression is that the “events” feature you’re asking for should be already covered by the current object system. Why not just use tile objects, give them names and place them on an object layer called “Events”?

Which project is stalling and silent? I hope you don’t mean Tiled, because development has never been more active (you can read about it in the Development Updates topic). I do not understand what you mean with being bored with the type.