How to use Object and Image Layers?

So I just got back to using Tiled and I must say its been about a couple years and I dont think Ive ever seen these two before. How exactly do I use them? I know how to create and sort them but how do I add an object to the object layer as well as the Image layer? I tried everything and only tiled assets go into the tiled layer (of course). I cant find any documentation about this oddly unless Im missing something and all tutorials only utilize the Tile Layer leaving the other two completely out of the blue.

Also I will be using Tiled2Unity. Will there be any issues with new features such as animation? If not thats really fine. (:

PS. Sorry for this ridiculous question

Objects in Tiled are usually used to annotate addtional information of the map. Like spawn points of monsters, collision, etc.

You can create objects by creating an object layer and then selecting one of the object tools (the icons in the toolbar which become active once you select an object layer). The use of those tools should be pretty easy to understand. You can draw rectangles, circles, lines or polygons or tile objects (those will give you object which is displayed as the currently selected tile (but you are not bound to the tile grid here of course)). I would simply play around with it. It is not that hard :smile:

The image layer is even easier. Just create an image layer and go to the properties dock and select the image there.

I hope this helps a bit,

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