Just looking for some general advice here, not asking anyone to fully write a script for me or anything - just need some pointing in the right direction. I am attempting to create a turn based grid movement system on my isometric battle maps from Tiled to Unity. I have a custom property called “Walkable” on the objects that include tiles I want the player to be able to select to move to or simply just move the tile selector to that object and hover over it.
I have succesfully gotten the map into Unity, and I have created an indicator sprite that shows which tile you are currently hovering over. Basically I just want to understand how to check for this custom property on the objects within the movement logic for the tile selector indicator. So that it can remain on the walkable tiles/objects and not go outside of them. I have the relevant walkable tiles in an object layer because this allows you to select them individually and apply scripts to them in Unity, but I suppose the otherside of that is you cant read custom properties the same way you can in a tilemap layer?
So right now I can move the selector around succesfully, its just it will move endlessly in any direction, it isnt confined to the walkable Tiles. So yeah would appreciate any tips on the best way to handle this so going ahead I can understand this better for all aspects of the turn based combat.