Tile collision editor can't edit object property in osx

I want edit defend and hit collision for sprite, But can’t edit their property.
And I hope stop animate when I edit collision for them, Play animate forever cause I can’t edit it. :tired_face:

You can turn off tile animations in View -> Show Tile Animations. Does that help?

Editing of properties for collision objects is currently not possible. This is covered by the following github issue:


@bjorn: You can turn off tile animations in View -> Show Tile Animations. Does that help?
Can’t stop animate when I has turn off tile animations editor.
I can edit collision animate at any time, But animate has been played cause I can’t see clearly first texture.

I think animate must add property option, Want add name for it.

<tile id="0">
   <image width="17" height="32" source="slice01.png"/>
   <objectgroup draworder="index">
    <object type="defend" x="4.90909" y="6" width="7.27273" height="22.5454"/>
   <animation>  <!-- I don't know which action is it -->
    <frame tileid="0" duration="200"/>
    <frame tileid="1" duration="200"/>