I’m new to Tiled and now I have a noob question (please excuse):
I want to load a Tiled map into my application (using Flutter+Flame), but I would need a visible grid as well (consisting of thin lines) in and around my map. A bit like it is with the map editor in Tiled. So now I wonder how to do this?
Is there a feature/option within Tiled to do so or do I need to add this as an “overlay” in my game engine, ie. draw it myself?
Thank you for your feedback!
If you’re exporting to an image, you can include Tiled’s grid with the “draw tile grid” option, but more typically, overlays are handled by the engine, or are baked into the tiles themselves.
Thank you for the quick response, eishiya!
The game engine of my choice (Flame) can make use of the tmx map definition, so I would like to stick with it. In addition, I didn’t find a way to customize the grid in any way. So I guess I’ll draw a grid in the game engine.
Thank you!