Looking to start making maps!

Hi everyone,

I’m an avid gamer and have for the longest time had intentions of creating my own game. I stumbled upon this page and it looks like this editor will be great in helping me create the maps needed. My only problem is I don’t know where to begin with the application. If someone could lead me to a getting started page or with some helpful insight it would be greatly appreciated.

You need to decide which programming language, which target platform and which framework you want to use (not necessarily in that order, of course). Some suggestions:

These are many other options to choose from.

Thanks for the reply Bjorn. I messed around with some things and began to understand adding Tile Sets and the basics of creating a Map. It is my understanding that everything is saved as a TMX file or am I mistaken?

Yes, everything you set up and create in Tiled is saved in the TMX file apart from the external resources. Your images are referred to by their file name.

Thank You for the quick replies. I really love Tiled so far. I was originally going to use this for Isometric mapping, but because I’m very new to programming and I feel just plain 2D will be challenging enough. I may ask a lot of questions in the coming days please bare with me. Thanks in advance!


Look to use something like libgdx which has importers for Tiled tmx files. There are numerous tutorials on YouTube.