Terrain incomplete warning and default tile

I’ve been playing with the terrain tool for a while now. Much confusing behavihour turned out to not be bugs, but the terrain definition not being complete. My fault, I know, but it’s kind of frustrating double checking every terrain again and again.

Thus my suggestion:
Could you please mark a terrain as complete when every corner combination is defined at least once?

What I mean is that for painting every possible map with one terrain, you need at least…

  1. every surrounding tile has same terrain
    2-5. one corner connects to different terrain (for every corner)
    6-9. the tile next to this one has different terrain (up, down, left, right)
    10-11. the diagonal tiles are of same terrain (upper left to lower right, lower left to upper right)
    12-15. only one corner connects to the same terrain (for every corner)
  2. no surrounding tile has the same terrain (how do I even define this?)

(Please correct me if I missed combinations. But as 4² is 16, I should have them all.)

So when all 16 combinations exist at least once, the terrain is complete and it would help if it was marked as such.

When using an incomplete terrain, it would help when as default tile, the preview picture is used.

That way, assuming no major screw-up, you can easily see what tile has which terrain and what combinations are missing.
(Updating the terrain tiles after aditing the terrains would be the next helpful feature, but that’s really just a nice-to-have for me)


Discussion on terrains and possible combinations is here: Neighbour aware tiles without terrain tool
Basically there are 81 possibilities, but only 48 are supposed to make sense. There is no way to define them, though. Implementing that is another suggestion. Don’t save the terrain information in the corners, but on the entire tile. The 8 neighbours will tell you what picture to use.