I’m using Tiled with Cocos2d-x. Since Cocos2d-x still not supporting animated tiles in its TMXTiledmap class and I really need that, I finally wrote an extension myself…
The extension provided a new class: TMXTiledmapEx, it’s a substitution for cocos2d::TMXTiledmap and supports tile animation. It’s written in C++ and still uses the optimized render method of Cocos2d-x. No additional drawcall needed. It doesn’t like the js version for cocos on github, it contains animated tiles in layer-level. It still has room for optimization and I’ve already had a plan on it.
Yeah, that’s the best choice. I’m trying to do that, since it takes effort to satisfy the engine’s requirement for performance, integrity and something else,it may cost some times.
Thank you, it helps a lot! It could work on cocos2d-x 4.0., it seems cocos2d-x 4.0 does not have native support for animated tiles. Though what I really need is animated Object. I did not need to make much change to make it work.