I was browsing Tiled’s source, and I’ve found that it has only 5 command line arguments. Is it correct?
I want to know if there is an argument which allows you to open the specified tmx file in the editor.
I was browsing Tiled’s source, and I’ve found that it has only 5 command line arguments. Is it correct?
I want to know if there is an argument which allows you to open the specified tmx file in the editor.
Any non-option argument is interpreted as a file to open, so you can open any number of files directly from the command line. This is briefly mentioned in the command-line help:
[bjorn@thor ~]$ tiled --help
tiled [options] [files...]
-h --help : Display this help
-v --version : Display the version
--quit : Only check validity of arguments
--disable-opengl : Disable hardware accelerated rendering
--export-map : Export the specified tmx file to target
--export-formats : Print a list of supported export formats
Thanks. The windows version does not output these in the console.
Right, that’s a little tricky on Windows and currently I don’t know how to solve it without always having a console popping up when running Tiled outside of a command line, which I think is much worse. It is covered by the following issue: