Different JSON exports?

I have used MapEditor for my choice of map creation with my particular TileMaps that i have made. I am making a side scroller game with Slick 2D and lwjgl. My question is this:

When exporting a created map VIA JSON, Usually it seems most map’s are shown as their tile id as shown in the snippet below which i have taken from the websites documentation and YES i do have json imported

  "data":[1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 1], <------ Tile ID's

however, when i check my own exported JSON map in the same fields i see,


both of these are real samples, the first pulled from their documentation and the second from my raw export. As you can see the ‘data’ field of theirs differs from mine in that theirs is a JSONArray and as a result I believe this line of code,

for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) 
			JSONObject layer = (JSONObject) layers.get(i);    
                        solids = parse((JSONArray) layer.get("data"));

has been giving me problems. Is it because in the ‘data’ field of my map, i believe that is a JSONString and an encoded one at that and I am trying to cast it as an array?

The second format you showed has become the default format for JSON with Tiled 0.13, and matches with the compressed layer data format used in the TMX format.

While you could implement support for base64-decoding and decompressing the data and then interpreting the data as 32-bit unsigned integer tile IDs as described in the TMX Map Format, the easier option for you would be to select “CSV” as the “Tile Layer Format” in the “Map Properties”. That way, you get the previous default format you pasted first.

Also, if you select the “CSV” format when creating a new map, Tiled will remember this setting for any other maps you create.