Hello, i am desperate noob and I need help!
I am done with my map, and i tried to export it in Unity with SuperTiled2Unity, but it needs .tsx file and I don’t know how to get that file. I tried “Export tile set as…” button, but I get .tsx.tmx file, and it doesn’t work with that.
I use png files as tilesets, so if that’s wrong, tell me.
Thank you for reading, and I am looking forward for answers!
If you don’t already have a .tsx file, there may be two things that happened:
The tileset (not its image) is embedded in the map file. You may have checked “Embed in map” when creating the tileset.
In this case, you should convert the embedded tileset to an external tileset. You can do this with the small “Export Tileset As” button in the tool bar at the bottom of the Tilesets view.
This automatically updates your map to refer to the now external tileset, which is probably what you want. So be sure to save the map as well.
The tileset is saved with a different format, like .json instead of .tsx.
In this case, open the tileset in Tiled and choose File > Save As… and be sure to choose “Tileset tileset files” and save the file with .tsx extension.
The map will not appear changed, but you should save it to make sure it refers to the new tileset file (this workflow could use some improvement…).