I can´t installer app

estoy intentando instalar tiledmap pero me sale a cada momento esto pense que era por el tipo de extension al ser un .msi y no un .exe pero nada que ver segun busque dice que necesto la versin de l windodows intaller 3.0 ya que mi pc tiene la 5.0 pero si el programa es para windows 10 porque necesitaria una version de windows installer anterior 3.0


This should just be a minimum required version. I’m not sure where the compatibility issue is coming from, nor why it would claim, as in your second screenshot, that the installation directory isn’t on a local hard drive (or why it even requires that).

For now, the only thing I can suggest is to download a .zip archive instead of using the installer. ZIP archives of Tiled builds are available when logging in to GitHub, then going to Build Packages · Workflow runs · mapeditor/tiled · GitHub, clicking to the most recent build, scrolling down to “Artifacts” and downloading “Tiled-win64” (without .msi extension).