Hey, I am trying to do a thing with pizza tower, and I need to use the “Open File or Project” tool. now, everything goes smoothly, until I have to open the tsx file after importing the csv file. Im looking everywhere, and it said that there is a “tilesets” folder inside the actual “Tiled” folder, but it is missing. Maybe you changed the location of the folder or the output of the tsx files, but either way, I cant find the tsx file.
You’ve marked this as a Bug, but in what way is this a Tiled bug?
There is no “tilesets” folder that Tiled creates/uses, maybe this is meant to be inside the folder Pizza Tower uses to store its files? What is this CSV file you mentioned? If you’re following some kind of Pizza Tower-specific tutorial, please link it here so that anyone attempting to help you has some context.
Yeah sorry, im new to this stuff. Heres the link, its on “Step 4”
Thank you. As far as I can tell, the Tiled/tilesets folder they’re using is just an example. I think the idea is that you select the tileset that you previously created in Step 3, wherever you saved it.
Thanks, ill try that. If it doesn’t work then uhhhh
Alright so I tested it, it doesnt work. I tried to make a new folder and import a new file in there so maybe the actual thing im trying to do works, but it doesn’t. I even searched for it, is there a way to know exactly where it puts it?
You could look at the importer script itself and see where it puts it.
And uhh, where is that? This is like my first time using Tiled, sorry if im being confusing.
The tutorial refers to using a script. I don’t know where/how you downloaded it, but where you put that, look at it there. It’s either in Tiled’s extensions folder, or in your project’s extensions folder.
the only thing in the extensions folder is the javascript that works with UTMT and when I import the csv, it doesnt create a project, you need to then import the exported txs and put it in that tab for the project. and for my other projects, they go in the little tilesets folder or my “users” tab
Sorry, it looks like I don’t understand what the tutorial wants you to do in step 4, so I can’t help. I recommend asking for help in the Pizza Tower community, you’re more likely to come across someone there who’s dealt with this.
Ah its fine. Thank you for your help. what I was trying to do is use the maps of the rooms as a reference because im doing a pizza tower replica inside of a mod called “Create Your Own Pizza.” but I realized it was a dumb idea anyway. Sorry for wasting your time, and thank you for helping.