I am new to Tiled and I really like it, but for my purposes it lacks an important feature, unless I’m missing something.
I have the need for Type
to be saved in the exported file, without setting it for each object tile I add to a layer.
I’ve created a tileset with Collection of images for my objects and edited the tileset changing each tiles Type
to a unique value.
In the exported tmx file it saves an object as (without type):
<object id="58" gid="89" x="137" y="32" width="14" height="16"/>
but I would like (without having to set Type each time I add a tile to a layer):
<object id="58" gid="89" type="MyObject" x="137" y="32" width="14" height="16"/>
This way I can place multiple objects of the same type without manually setting the Type
each time.
Maybe I’m missing something. Can this be done?