Older Mac OS download

I’m really trying to download Tiled but the problem is my Mac is stuck in OS 10.9.5 and I can’t update it to OS 10.10 which is required for Tiled. Is there any compatible version of Tiled for older Macs?


Would you know anything about how to build macOS software such that it still works fine on macOS 10.9? I’m personally just using the latest macOS, Xcode and Qt versions without any special settings, but if there is some way to use older versions or settings to make things work on 10.9 then I’d be interested in trying that out.

Otherwise, there’s two other options:

  • You can compile Tiled yourself, which will surely get you a version that will run on your OS version.
  • You can browse https://github.com/bjorn/tiled/releases and keep trying older versions until you find one that still ran on 10.9.

Actually in the Qt documentation about Supported Platforms, they state support starting from macOS 10.11. For macOS 10.9, it looks like we’d need to downgrade to Qt 5.8 (see its Supported Platforms). With Qt 5.7 we could potentially even support macOS 10.8, though I’m not sure if there’s any benefit in that. In any case, it may be worth setting up such a build, like I did for Windows XP by building against Qt 5.6 (currently the minimum version of Qt that Tiled supports).

Just wondering since I’ve been doing the last releases with Qt 5.6.3, they should work on OS 10.9.5. Did you try using for example Tiled 1.1.6?

For Tiled 1.2 I’d like to upgrade to Qt 5.9 though, which would require macOS 10.10 then. But the 1.2 Release Candidate is still using Qt 5.6.