I’m a Graphic Designer looking to use Tiled for an art project, but having trouble with the documentation. I am attempting to download the Mac version of Tiled and having problems understanding the programmer lingo / jargon of the documentation.
I have completed the first part of compiling (downloading Homebrew through “Terminal”:
Make sure the Qt (>= 5.2) development libraries are installed:
* In Mac OS X with Homebrew:
_ +brew install qt5
_ +brew link qt5 --force
I am having trouble, as my command prompt within Terminal is not accepting these commands:
Now you can compile by running:
$ qmake (or qmake-qt5 on some systems)
_ $ make_
You can now simply run Tiled using bin/tiled.
Can you please help guide me through the Compiling and Install process? I would imagine describing this in more detail (providing screen captures or more detailed directions) would be beneficial for other designers or art minded individuals who don’t come from a background in programming.
Thank you! Looking forward to creating amazing worlds with Tiled and donating.