January 29, 2024, 8:29pm
I discovered this tool to create tile maps and I think it’s great
I am using the library for Amstrad CPC called 8BP (8 bits of power), with which you can make games for said computer.
To make the games you can use the Basic language (RSX commands) and the C language
I would like to know if Tiled could be implemented to be able to use it with the library (using the option to make the game in c)
Here is a page where they talk about the tiles:
There is an example video on the page, but it is using another Amstrad tool called Cpctelera
This is the official page of 8BP:
Finally, this is a c file of a game made with the library where layout (tiles) is used:
// 42540 map layout de caracteres (25x20 =500 bytes)
// acodarse de inicializar todos a 0
// como sacar fuera de pantalla en horizontal para que entre poco a poco
// la variable global nmalos no funciona. no utiliza el valor de fuera. tengo que inicializarla dentro
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "8bp.h"
#include "minibasic.h"
void fito_mode0();
void tecla();
void borraSprites();
void generaMalos();
void mueveMalo(int traeCual);
void borde(int traeBorde);
int *tocoEscalera(int traeY, int traeX);
This file has been truncated. show original
Thank you!
Native support for this is unlikely, but you can write a custom exporter using JavaScript that can export maps from Tiled to C code compatible with this library.