Howdy All …spent about a 15 minutes trying to get the eraser to work?? I used the doc`s:
Shortcut: E
A simple eraser tool. Left click erases single tiles and right click can be used to quickly erase rectangular areas.
It is highlighted on the tool bar and as I navigate on the tile itself. Nothing …? it does offer a green hue as I go over each square.
Tile Layer drop-down shows Visible checked, Locked un-checked. Then over in the Layers panel Opacity is push to full. The Tile Layer 1 paddle lock is opened and the eyeball is visible.
Did I miss somewhere that it mentions you have to click on and have the Tile Layer 1 highlighted in the layers panel, in order for it to erase anything??
Until you (I) figured that out, left or right clicking. The eraser doesn`t do anything. I can erase things now but just starting out it was a bit strange to have to do that. Or is this some strange anomaly?? I only had one layer working so I thought it was active to start.
Cool glad it helped, it is only rational to select a layer. When you have more then one working. But right out of the gate you only have one to start with. So I just assumed it was active, being the default layer. But now we know!!
Thanks, I am just starting out working with Tiled and was following a tutorial. He never started using the eraser until he added a few more objects on their own layers. I was just finagling around with a tile sheet getting the feel for the UI and shortcuts.
That`s when I noticed I could not erase anything ?? Rewinding his tutorial I noticed when he clicked on the second layer in the panel it darkened. I only had the default layer that was created when I made the map.
It was when I clicked on it that it highlighted and was able to use the eraser tool. Being a newbie I thought it weird to have to activate a default layer. I work with other software`s and anything default is normally ready to go to work.