Crash on resize


Quand je redimensionne Tiled, le programme crash.

le moindre redimensionnement le fait planter.

Config :

Windows 10
8Go ram
intel core i5
Nvidia Geforce GTX 960

Je peut fournir les références si vous avez besoin de plus de détails.

Comment régler ce problème ?

  • Cordialement loucass003

Hmm, I can only suggest to try turning off the OpenGL rendering mode, in case you have that enabled in Tiled’s preferences. This is known to have instability issues on Windows.

l’OpenGL n’es pas activé.

Does it matter if you have a map open or not? And which version of Tiled is this exactly?

Would you be able to install Qt and build Tiled yourself, in order to possibly find out more information about the crash in a debug build?

Alors, le problème se pose peut importe si la map ouverte ou non.

Pour Qt je vais tester ^^ … je m’y connais plus en Java :wink:

J’ai un problème …

Comment configurer cette partie ?

Hmm, you need to make sure to have a valid version of Qt set up first. Click that “options” link to go to the relevant settings page. Generally though, you’ll probably have to back to the Qt Maintenance Tool and install additional components, like Qt 5.5.1 for MinGW and the MinGW compiler itself.

Désolé je n’y arrive pas … je connais pas du tout le programme …