Tiled Forum moving to hosting by Discourse

Soon (potentially tomorrow) the Tiled forum will be moved to a server hosted by Discourse themselves. The Discourse team announced this possibility for community-friendly free software projects back in March. I was immediately interested since it obviously would provide a faster and cheaper Tiled forum with even less maintenance, so I was happy when they accepted Tiled with their offer!

By their conditions, the forum will then be hosted at discourse.mapeditor.org (it’s already there, but the content and settings still need to be moved over so please don’t register just yet). Of course I’ll set up a redirect from the current subdomain.

In any case, don’t be surprised if there will be a little downtime. It’ll be back soon!

And the move is done, thanks to Erlend from the Discourse team!

I had to update the settings at GitHub, Twitter and Google to fix the social logins and tell Google that the new location trying to log in via POP for getting reply e-mails was legit, but now everything seems to be working.

I’ve updated the forum URLs in the navigation bar and on the Tiled website and set up a redirect from forum.mapeditor.org which will activate as soon as the DNS settings have propagated.

A big thank-you to the Discourse team for providing this service!

The e-mail polling is still being rejected by Google for some reason so reply by e-mail will not work for now. At the moment I have no idea what the problem is. The logs just say:

[AUTH] Web login required: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/78754

However, I already logged in through web multiple times and marked the “suspicious” activity as my own.

I don’t know if this is related, but I just went though configuring some Mailchimp lists for “DMARC” - http://kb.mailchimp.com/delivery/deliverability-research/about-dmarc

When I was looking up information I came across some special problems with DMARC and mailing lists:


Discourse may have some info on this as well. In the end, it just required I add some custom records to my DNS to verify the server sending email was authorized.

That’s not related because it’s not about e-mail sent by the forum, but about the forum checking the GMail inbox to which reply-by-mail posts go. In any case, I finally found the right link to use (I needed to click on http://www.google.com/accounts/DisplayUnlockCaptcha while being logged in with the forum Google account) and now that seems to work again!