Cli-export(json) with propertytypes possible?

I there, I’m trying to automate our tiled based workflow that is based on the json-export. It is great you can do the export from the command-line, but I stumbled over one problem. Property-Types are not exported to the json-file as if I’m exporting from within the exporter.

Does anyone know if that is possible at all? (I’m using the official 1.9.2-veriosn)

Here an example:

  1. Exported from the exporter:

And from the CLI with same export-options active:


This is the command:

tiled1.9.2 --embed-tilesets --detach-templates --resolve-types-and-properties --export-map  assets/maps/00.tmx assets/maps/00.json

So, you see the property-type got missing.
The value can be found in the tmx-file:

 <property name="action2" type="class" propertytype="CrossMapReference">

PS: Since this is my first post here! A ‘Hi’ from me to the community. Tiled is a great tool :+1:
PPS: Just saw, that I basically have the same problem as @Laskoran here: Specify context project for command line usages