Collision variable on specific tiles

Hi. I’m new to Tiled.
I have not been able to find and answer on the forum yet, so I’ll just ask (even though it has been asked before probably):

How do I set a variable for a specific kind of tile in Tiled?
Let’s say I reuse the same tiles over and over again for the floor and I want to add those tiles to a variable (collidable: boolean).

Later I want to implement a quad tree and iterate over the tiles within it and see if the tiles are collidable (don’t want to use an object layer) and rects for that…

The problem was:
I can’t seem to add a property to a tile in my tileset because the option is greyed out in the properties panel.
How can I achieve this?
Thanks in advance.

Add it to the Tile in the Tileset Editor, not the Map Editor. Open your Tileset as a tab in Tiled, select your tile there, and you’ll be able to edit the properties, etc.

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Oh okay, thank you! It’s probably trivial then, but where is that editor?

The Tileset Editor is what you see when you open the Tileset as a document/tab in Tiled. You can do this via File > Open…, or by clicking the “Edit Tileset” button at the bottom of the Tilesets view (the panel where you select tiles to paint with).

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Got it! Very poor beginner question with too little research. Thanks for your help!

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Last question though:
Does it make sense to select the entire tileset then and add this property everywhere and just tick it if… well… it’s collidable.

I don’t think there’s any benefit in adding a false boolean property to a load of tiles unless there’s something weird about your game engine xP I’d only select the collidable tiles, add the property to them, and set it to true.

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Sure, why not? The overhead of such a property would be minimal and constant. So if i only t makes editing more pleasant to you, then go for it.

On the other hand you can copy entire properties between tiles, so adding a single property to just selected tiles is not that time-consuming. Just ctrl-v.


I just ended up using a TileLayer for the Collision-Layer and set the flag to true for the entire map.
This seemed more convenient as I now only have to check my surroundings with tiles that have this special flag (which is all in the collision layer)…