Help ressources

Hello, I am French and do not speak English.

I had a hard time making the software work.
I have also long sought the images used on the capture site.

If the world speaks French, it would help me a lot :slight_smile:

I’m looking for images (tileset) to use in software.
I’m also looking for the terrain configuration file.

The software is good but difficult to understand how
It works because there is nothing in French (Tutto).

I hope you have managed to understand me.
I need help to run the software and find
Resources that have been used in
The software on the capture site.

See you soon.

Bonjour, je suis français et ne parle pas l’anglais.

J’ai eu un mal fou à faire fonctionner le logiciel.
J’ai aussi longtemps cherché les images utilisées sur la capture du site.

Si du monde parle français, ça m’aiderait beaucoup :slight_smile:

Je recherche les images (tileset) utiliser dans le logiciel.
Je recherche aussi le fichier de configuration des terrains.

Le logiciel est bien mais difficile Ă  comprendre comment
ça fonctionne car il n’y a rien en français (Tutto).

J’espère que vous aurez réussi à me comprendre.
J’ai besoin d’aide pour faire fonctionner le logiciel et trouver
les ressources qui ont été utilisé dans
le logiciel sur la capture du site.

Ă€ bientĂ´t.

You can change the language used by Tiled by going to Edit → Preferences and changing the setting under General → Interface → Language.

The resources used in the screenshots are mostly shipping with Tiled in the “examples” folder. Many resources can be found at

You can change the language used by Tiled by going to Edit → Preferences and changing the setting under General → Interface → Language.

Yes I know, I was talking about the tutorial!
Can you tell me what image you use (Liberated Pixel Cup) and why are not it in the software?

At the next update, you can put the images in the software
To understand how it works?

The Liberated Pixel Cup tiles shown in the screenshot are part of the Source of Tales project. You can find its source on GitHub, including the tileset image and the terrain.tsx file.

This tileset is generated by the terraingenerator tool that ships with Tiled, but I still didn’t get around to documenting how to use it.

I didn’t ship it with Tiled because there already are three other terrain examples shipping with Tiled, though it could make a good example for how to use the terraingenerator tool.

Finally, it will have been long but I am very happy!
I think it might be nice to include this in Tiled :slight_smile:

Thank you very much !