I’m happy to announce a partnership between Tiled and CraftPix.net, a store that offers high-quality 2D game assets.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.mapeditor.org/2024/09/17/craftpix-partnership.html
Great news! I did not know CraftPix, but it seems like quite a nice collection of pixel art with different styles. I like the top down ones (with the military vehicles).
In case the platform owners are reading this here - I would like to know if they plan to release more straight top down assets? Also fantasy stuff?
Keep up the great work, I just subscribed a yearly fee, 4$ for a month is quite good for me. Hope that the promised “at least 12 products per month” are really added new to the collection.
Cheers, Huberto
This is fantastic news. Have been using craftpix for a while now, and always struggled a bit with importing images to tiled. Great work!!