Latest Tiled Version -> Latest Gamemaker Version

I am still new to Gamemaker and Tiled, have followed a lot of tutorials on how to use them, but when trying to import a .yy room file from Tiled into Gamemaker, it says it imports it, but no room files are created, and room 1 is kept the same. I’ve tried many different methods but none seem to work. Is there anyway to use these two applications with each other as of now? This is on the latest version of the applications at the time of posting.

For context: I do not know very much code at all, and am planning on collaborating, but I am designing levels. Is there any code I need to learn to import and test the levels?

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See the warning at the top of GameMaker Studio 2.3 — Tiled 1.11.0 documentation. You need to first create the room in GameMaker and then overwrite that file when exporting from Tiled.

I tried this, but nothing happens, and when I try to overwrite the file, nothing changes. Is there any reason this is happening?

Did it link up the correct tileset?

For tilesets, the tileset name entered in Tiled must match the name of the tileset asset in GameMaker.