Mirroring Tiles

Can there be an option to mirror tiles? This could be multiple ways - Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal, or all 3 (4 way) the tile itself would look the same, it would just be mirrored in location, it wouldn’t be flipped or anything. Games usually use mirroring when creating maps to make it fair, and this would help.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Welcome to the Tiled forum, @coxinhaislol!

Currently only the Terrain Brush supports a kind-of mirroring (it actually does a 180-degree rotation), but it would definitely be nice to extend this to work with all the tools.

You can create half of your map and then flip it, but it will flip the tile graphics as well. So another nice thing to do add would be to be able to do this flipping without flipping the graphics. This could also be implemented in JavaScript as a Tiled extension.


You can create half of your map and then flip it, but it will flip the tile graphics as well.

How can I do this?

Create half your map, select all the layers (make sure all the layer name are unique), select the finished half of the map, copy, paste, then hit the Flip Horizontally button (default keyboard shortcut: x), and place the newly flipped half down.


thanks eishiya :slight_smile:

Wow, thanks!