I have followed multiple youtube tutorials and read forums and nothing has helped. I have a map on tiled that works perfectly fine (no errors at all). When I export into Unity though, there are multiple errors that I don’t know how to fix.
Here are the errors:
SuperTiled2Unity version: 1.10.0, Unity version: 2019.4.21f1
Missing texture asset: …/…/Downloads/4 BigSet.png
Missing texture asset: …/…/Downloads/Terrain.png
Could not find tile 154. Make sure the tilesets were successfully imported.
Could not find tile 97. Make sure the tilesets were successfully imported.
Could not find tile 98. Make sure the tilesets were successfully imported.
Could not find tile 99. Make sure the tilesets were successfully imported.
Could not find tile 105. Make sure the tilesets were successfully imported.
Could not find tile 106. Make sure the tilesets were successfully imported.
Could not find tile 114. Make sure the tilesets were successfully imported.
Could not find tile 107. Make sure the tilesets were successfully imported.
Tileset ‘inside’ is an embedded tileset. Exported tilesets are preferred.
Tileset ‘Ground’ is an embedded tileset. Exported tilesets are preferred.
Make sure the image references in the TSX files point to the correct place. …/…/Downloads/ is looking for a Downloads directory that’s two directories up from the current one. If you copied or moved your Tiled files into your Unity project, then chances are this structure is no longer valid.
In another thread you said you have the files right next to each other, but these file references suggest that they weren’t originally next to each other. You should be able to open the TSX (the one in your Unity project that you’re trying to import) in Tiled and edit the image file references.
The “Could not find tile” errors should go away once the tilesets import properly, you should only worry about them if they persist once the other errors have been resolved.
The embedded tileset warnings aren’t errors. Exported tilesets are preferred, as it says, because they’re more efficient (they avoid duplicating data). They’re also usually more efficient during authoring, since changes to an external tileset will apply to all maps using it.
@lovi Please don’t double-post. I had just answered your previous post and then found out you’ve posted the same question with more details here. I’ve deleted your other post since it was a reply to a very old topic.
I’m not sure how exactly I’m supposed to import them (I did right click, import asset). Also when I open the tsx in tiled it says the image referenced is the exact same as the one it says it is missing. Lastly I replaced the embedded tilesets with the exported tsx files so hopefully that fixes that part. Thanks.