A bit of context: I’ve been using this image
to create a Pokemon board game. It’s been going well, but it dawned on me a few days ago that I needed to make a few custom tiles to really finish things.
So I made a copy of that image, and I made this
Not much of a difference… but now neither image will load into Tiled when I select them as my New Tileset. This makes me think something has happened to Tiled and not my images - especially since there are two other similar image files that I haven’t edited at all, which also do not import now but did before.
Has anybody else had this issue? I haven’t fiddled with any of the Tiled settings; my requirements of the program are fairly basic as most of the design work is done in PS.
You don’t seem to have the “Tilesets” view open. Could it be that the tileset is added, but you’re simply failing to notice because this view is not present? You can open it from View -> Views and Toolbars -> Tilesets.