Tiled 1.0 - Portuguese language (download/fork)

Where can I download the 1.0 version of ‘Tiled’ to start translation to brazilian portuguese language?

Are you sure you mean 1.0?

As far as I know, there is no ‘Tiled 1.0’; The most recent version is Tiled 0.14.1.


the 1.0 release is still in development (the master branch on git). Usually
bjorn mails all the recent translators once the code entered the string
freeze asking for translations. If you did not contribute to tileds
translation before you can ask @bjorn to add you to his list of translators
to mail :slight_smile:


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Currently retranslate the Tiled for the Brazilian Portuguese language.
Repair existing language errors and completed almost all the texts that were missing.

The translation is 98%.
There remain only a few texts in English that are not present in ‘tiled_pt_BR.ts’ file. :cry:

UPDATE - Translation to the Brazilian Portuguese language. #1104

Currently the translation files are for Tiled 0.14. I’ll let you know when they are updated for Tiled 1.0. I estimate this will take at least 6 weeks still.


Thank you bjorn.
I’ll be waiting anxiously for Tiled 1.0

Yeah, me too! Though in the past two weeks the number of issues scheduled for this milestone has been going up like crazy. I may need to come back and consider doing a Tiled 0.15 first… And it looks like there will be a Tiled 0.14.2, which will include your translation updates and the new Polish translation.

I’m part of some Facebook groups dedicated to game development, and members of these groups are utlizando an unofficial version of ‘Tiled’ with the translations I have done (waiting only the official version with the translation).

They are very happy with the ease of creating scenarios provided by Tiled.

That’s great to hear!

Just let me know when you consider the pt_BR translation ready to be merged.

I have reviewed the translation and consider it ready to be merged.