Remex should work well enough but you won’t be able to actually use the terrain tool as already mentioned. It creates all of the 32x combinations possible from the 16x subtiles (perhaps the best way to describe it, RPGM Tiles are 32x based on 16x subtiles). The greater number of tiles allows creation of wider array of display potential, but at the cost of needing to be even width based at all times (2 blocks of 16x = 32x).
My personal issue with Remex created tiles versus the RPGM format is in the inability to use the terrain tool, and the automap rule requires the entire map to be filled with some tile first. I’ve also had issues where the walls will sometimes not full map on occasion but I believe that may be related to some of the tiles in use, and the speed I was trying to draw at. The ruleset created also treats tiles as follows even though not quite correct, 1==9, 2==C, 5==L, 6==O as per my tileset and the Remex output from below this results in a number of mismatches on some RPGM sets.
negative on simply resizing. Tiled Terrain Tool is based around a 2x2 + 3x3 tile system, and RPGM sets are based around a 2x2 + 2x2 + 4x4 tile system (oversimplification but should work well enough as an explanation).

Consider the above example.
Let’s call that example UglyWall and UglyFloor.
Now consider the following an ugly floor 32x tile properly laid out is:
Tiled will allow any of the following while tiling which would be a distraction and an error because of the above differences in formatting:
In theory it may be possible to create a ruleset that would work with the 16x tiles such that it would work with the Terrain system and correctly align everything given one of the following:
The ruleset would need to be biased so that errors for odd width/height rooms/areas are always biased to one of the 4 corners as valid and the diagonal opposite corner would be the point of error/artifacts. This would produce minimal artifacts.
The ruleset was designed to trim the rooms to be even widths+heights and either delete or set the appropriate tile to a blank tile while repairing the wall/border.
Yes, Ugly up there is one I am using to try and work out my own preferred rule system for RPGM format tiles. So many have had the Any Game Engine license recently through Humble Bundle sales that I’ve a rather large usable RPGM asset collection for other engines now.
Ideally I’d like rulesets to cover both options, a blank area between that has even width/height rooms (remex styled) or to be able to use all grid points on the map and just have the bias be towards one corner of each room for where rooms have an odd width/height.
FWIW, this is the output from remex for that tileset as an expanded tile set:

One thing to note, is that for some RPGM tilesets, some of those tiles are less than visually appealing, or are actually invalid but the ruleset from Remex handles that mostly. That is why Ugly here has that top corner wider walled to match some tile sets and how they break as well as all those yellow matching lines (it is how I am judging/tweaking the errors in my rules).
You’ll have to use Remex to create the matched ruleset as new users can’t upload attachments just images.