Beginner Here, need help with rules and automapping

Hi, I just started learning using Tiled and progress has been slow but good so far but I just can’t understand how to use rules and automapping excpescially when I need to make a succession of elements (like trees for example)
I always end up with things like this :
2024-08-19 14_16_09-_Learning_map_05.tmx - Tiled
when I try to do this :
I’ll be grateful to anyone who will help me.

If I understand correctly, you’re looking to draw overlapping trees. What does Automapping have to do with this?

Do you have dedicated tiles for overlapping trees? If not, then you’ll need to distribute the tiles between multiple layers to allow them to overlap, or make it so each tree is a single tile.
I’ve previously written in more detail on this topic here (if the link doesn’t send you to the correct section, look for “RPG Trees”): Tiled Tip Sheet

In the tutorial I watched, the dude said that this was related to automapping to create faster.
Thanks for your link I’ll go read it

Automapping can indeed help you place trees faster, but it can only do the same things you can do manually. So, figure out how you want to solve this manually, and then you can think about automating it with Automapping if you really need to. FWIW for things like small trees like in your screenshot, I think employing simple tile stamps is more efficient than Automapping :] If you decide to go with the multi-layer approach, you can save the multi-layer stamp to the Tile Stamps panel and easily select it from there, so Tiled will automatically sort the tiles into the correct layers for you, no Automapping needed.

Ok, I think I get what you’re saying.
I need to create multiple layers so that the trees will overlap instead of erasing each other.
But How do I use tile stamps?

A “tile stamp” is like a “brush” in drawing programs. Any time you select a tile or group of tiles to paint with, you’re already using a tile stamp. In Tiled, you can select tiles from multiple layes, and in this case, Tiled will remember the name of the layer the tiles are from, so it can draw them to that layer when you paint: this is a multi-layer stamp.

You can save stamps for later use via the Tile Stamps view, and I recommend doing this for multi-layer stamps to avoid the need to copy+paste from multiple layers every time you want to paint trees. Select a single tree that you’ve sorted into the correct layers (make sure you’ve selected the relevant layers in the Layers list first), and then click the “Add new Stamp” button in the Tile Stamps view to save it. If you don’t already have the Tile Stamps view open, you can open it via View > Views and Toolbars > Tile Stamps.

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Thanks a lot for your patience and help, I’m gonna try and make later after work.