Error changing version

Hi, sorry for my google english.
When changing from Tiled version 1.0 to 1.3, when saving levels with the new version, I get an error in the console that I don’t know how to solve:

game.lua: 67: attempt to index upvalue ‘hero’ (a boolean value)

I keep the levels with the extension .json and use the simulator corona sdk. game.lua is the one that imports the .json maps:


-- Include modules/libraries
local composer = require( "composer" )
local fx = require( "com.ponywolf.ponyfx" )
local tiled = require( "com.ponywolf.ponytiled" )
local physics = require( "physics" )
local json = require( "json" )
local scoring = require( "" )
local heartBar = require( "" )

-- Variables local to scene
local map, hero, shield, parallax

-- Create a new Composer scene
local scene = composer.newScene()

-- This function is called when scene is created
function scene:create( event )

	local sceneGroup = self.view  -- Add scene display objects to this group

	-- Sounds
	local sndDir = "scene/game/sfx/"
	scene.sounds = {
		thud = audio.loadSound( sndDir .. "thud.wav" ),
		sword = audio.loadSound( sndDir .. "sword.wav" ),
		squish = audio.loadSound( sndDir .. "squish.wav" ),
		slime = audio.loadSound( sndDir .. "slime.wav" ),
		wind = audio.loadSound( sndDir .. "loops/spacewind.wav" ),
		door = audio.loadSound( sndDir .. "door.wav" ),
		hurt = {
			audio.loadSound( sndDir .. "hurt1.wav" ),
			audio.loadSound( sndDir .. "hurt2.wav" ),
		hit = audio.loadSound( sndDir .. "hit.wav" ),
		coin = audio.loadSound( sndDir .. "coin.wav" ),

	-- Start physics before loading map
	physics.setGravity( 0, 32 )

	-- Load our map
	local filename = or "scene/game/map/sandbox.json"
	local mapData = json.decodeFile( system.pathForFile( filename, system.ResourceDirectory ) )
	map = mapData, "scene/game/map" )
	--map.xScale, map.yScale = 0.85, 0.85

	-- Find our hero!
	map.extensions = ""
	map:extend( "hero" )
	hero = map:findObject( "hero" )
	hero.filename = filename

	-- Find our enemies and other items
	map:extend( "blob", "enemy", "exit", "coin", "spikes" )

	-- Find the parallax layer
	parallax = map:findLayer( "parallax" )

	-- Add our scoring module
	local gem = display.newImageRect( sceneGroup, "scene/game/img/gem.png", 64, 64 )
	gem.x = display.contentWidth - gem.contentWidth / 2 - 24
	gem.y = display.screenOriginY + gem.contentHeight / 2 + 20

	scene.score = { score = event.params.score } )
	local score = scene.score
	score.x = display.contentWidth - score.contentWidth / 2 - 32 - gem.width
	score.y = display.screenOriginY + score.contentHeight / 2 + 16

	-- Add our hearts module
	shield =
	shield.x = 48
	shield.y = display.screenOriginY + shield.contentHeight / 2 + 16
	hero.shield = shield

	-- Insert our game items in the correct back-to-front order
	sceneGroup:insert( map )
	sceneGroup:insert( score )
	sceneGroup:insert( gem )
	sceneGroup:insert( shield )


-- Function to scroll the map
local function enterFrame( event )

	local elapsed = event.time

	-- Easy way to scroll a map based on a character
	if hero and hero.x and hero.y and not hero.isDead then
		local x, y = hero:localToContent( 0, 0 )
		x, y = display.contentCenterX - x, display.contentCenterY - y
		map.x, map.y = map.x + x, map.y + y
		-- Easy parallax
		if parallax then
			parallax.x, parallax.y = map.x / 6, map.y / 8  -- Affects x more than y

-- This function is called when scene comes fully on screen
function scene:show( event )

	local phase = event.phase
	if ( phase == "will" ) then
		fx.fadeIn()	-- Fade up from black
		Runtime:addEventListener( "enterFrame", enterFrame )
	elseif ( phase == "did" ) then
		-- Start playing wind sound
		-- For more details on options to play a pre-loaded sound, see the Audio Usage/Functions guide:
		-- self.sounds.wind, { loops = -1, fadein = 750, channel = 15 } )

-- This function is called when scene goes fully off screen
function scene:hide( event )

	local phase = event.phase
	if ( phase == "will" ) then
		audio.fadeOut( { time = 1000 } )
	elseif ( phase == "did" ) then
		Runtime:removeEventListener( "enterFrame", enterFrame )

-- This function is called when scene is destroyed
function scene:destroy( event )

	audio.stop()  -- Stop all audio
	for s, v in pairs( self.sounds ) do  -- Release all audio handles
		audio.dispose( v )
		self.sounds[s] = nil

scene:addEventListener( "create" )
scene:addEventListener( "show" )
scene:addEventListener( "hide" )
scene:addEventListener( "destroy" )

return scene

The version of game.lua that you posted and the one that caused this error seem to be different, because there is no hero being indexed on line 67. However, the error is likely referring to this part:

	hero = map:findObject( "hero" )
	hero.filename = filename

So, apparently ponytiled is unable to find the “hero” object. It could be that this is caused by the changes in the JSON format introduced in Tiled 1.2. These changes are not backwards compatible.

If updating or patching up ponytiled to support the new format is not an option, then you can enable the “json1” instead of the “json” plugin in Tiled’s Preferences to make Tiled save the JSON maps in the old format. Just note that this is supposed to be a temporary workaround.

Ok, thanks for answering bjorn, for what you ask me, I will have to start over,
