Game Maker Studio 2 export broken

A recent GM update seems to have rendered maps exported from Tiled incompatible. Attempting to load the project in GM will result in an error reading

The JSON file reader encountered parsing errors
C:\Git\Ancient Keys DX\rooms\rm_area_a\rm_area_a.yy(2,3): Error: A type tag field is required at the start of the JSON record, eg: “$MyTypeName”: …

Adding this field manually will turn the error into

C:\Git\Ancient Keys DX\rooms\rm_area_a\rm_area_a.yy(3,3): Error: Field “%Name”: expected.

Adding that field turns it into

C:\Git\Ancient Keys DX\rooms\rm_area_a\rm_area_a.yy(4,3): Error: Field “creationCodeFile”: expected.

And so on and so forth.

I’m sure this is known and is being worked on, but I wanted to make absolutely sure. Thank you for your time.