I’ve been using automapping for years now, but recently created a new tileset and can’t get anything with automapping to work with it.
Has something been inherently changed, or might there be a bug?
Here is a video of me making a new map, new rule, and trying to test it (and nothing happens).
The only major thing that seems to have changed since I created the automap rules for my last tileset is that the tilesets can now be saved as the .tsx files. For my video, I created a test_automap.tmx, and then re-saved the same one as my rule1.tmx so they should be looking at the same tileset (is that correct?).
Thanks for any help!!!
EDIT: I’m using the newest version 1.1.5. I learned how to make the automap rules back before version 1.0.0, so maaaybe something has changed? I scanned through this again and everything looked the same: http://docs.mapeditor.org/en/latest/manual/automapping/. I’ve been using “regions” and not “RuleRegion”, so must have been using 0.9 or later.
EDIT 2: If I fill in the rest of the Grass layer with another tile (paint bucket), the rule starts working. See video: https://youtu.be/p-Xp9c02uko
Why is that?
Looking at the “basic shoreline” in the automap documentation, the first example has an empty tile in the input_Ground layer.