Settings for Object with images only?

I think Tiled could benefit from having individual objects support the alpha channel visually. Be it a slider or direct value. I am not sure how Tiled is constructed and what it would take to enable such a feature, but I think it’d be cool to have support for.

“Alpha channel” usually refers to images, and images in Tiled already support alpha channels, and Tile Objects use the alpha channel in their tiles. Since you mentioned a “slider”, it sounds like you actually mean per-Object opacity (a single value, not a full alpha channel)?

Text Objects already have per-object alpha (as part of the text colour).
If per-object colour is added (See Allow tinting of a tile/object · Issue #3950 · mapeditor/tiled · GitHub), that would allow controlling the opacity as well, since the colour could have an alpha component, similar to how Text Objects already do.

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Yes, I wish to control the opacity per object. That is my intention. Thanks.

Thanks for the input. I went ahead and forked tiled and created a modified version that supports per-object opacity. I can use it for now. Thanks. :slight_smile:

Not sure I will share with anyone as it would not be in compliance with the official tiled.

EDIT: All that remains is gaining access to the variable used for GUI / CLI standard and custom exporting.