Tiled2Unity error missing base_tileset.txt

I named my tileset base_tileset and when I export my map to unity from Tiled2Unity it says that it is missing.

I am doing everything in unity off of my E drive and it keeps trying to load from the C drive is there a way to fix this? or can anyone help?

Opening C:\Unity Stuff\Tutorial\Assets\Maps\test_area.tmx …
Tileset file does not exist: C:\base Tilteset.tsx
Map details: { “test_area” size = 75x75, tile size = 16x16, # tiles = 0 }
Parsed: C:\Unity Stuff\Tutorial\Assets\Maps\test_area.tmx

Loading summary
Succeeded: 1
Parsed: C:\Unity Stuff\Tutorial\Assets\Maps\test_area.tmx
Warnings: 0
Errors: 1
Tileset file does not exist: C:\base Tilteset.tsx

Seems like a problem caused by Tiled2Unity. Have you asked its developer?

I believe I invited @Seanba to this thread already, but he may be busy of course.

(Sorry I’m late to the party.)

Hi there, Jarred. This kind of problem is almost always caused by users moving or renaming tileset files.

A couple of observations:

  • You say the tileset is named base_tileset
  • But the errors says it couldn’t find C:\base Tilteset.tsx

So, it looks like there’s some problem there. Can you open your map in Tiled? I would expect it have a hard time resovling the tileset reference as well.

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