Tile won't import correctly

Hi! I saw the post about the misaligned tiles but I’m also having issues with my tiles and importing the tiles. I tried disabling tile wrapping but nothing is happening. My tile looks cutoff and I can’t get it to import or select correctly. I attached a few screenshots that show my problem.

It looks like your tile grid might be offset in your image editor, you will need to offset it similarly in Tiled with the margin parameter, or crop off the extra pixels in the image editor. Tiled currently only supports a single margin parameter, so if you need to crop differently in x and y, then you will have to do that in your image editor.

Hi! Thank you for such a quick response - I think I found a way to make it work but I’m really not sure why it’s actually working. I’m using Aesprite to make my images and I think the issue is how the image is exported? So I think this might be more of an Aesprite question. When my image is in the top left corner, it exports fine but when I try to export from anywhere else it gets cut off.

I’m also not sure how to check the tile grid offset. I appreciate your help and patience, I’m a total beginner with this. I can also move this to the Aesprite forum if more appropriate.

I think I got it for real now! I was selecting way too much vs. only selecting the image when I was exporting.

The underlying thing you need to get right is to make sure that in your exported image, the tiles align to your desired grid. It’s likely you were selecting additional pixels that were pushing your tiles off-grid.

In Aseprite, you shouldn’t need to “select” anything to export, you should be able to export your entire image, and as long as your art is grid-aligned there, it’ll be grid-aligned in the export.

You’re totally right, I was definitely selecting additional pixels. Thanks again for your help